
Treatment Centers by City


The number of people that live in Plant City, Florida that are struggling with alcoholism has steadily begun to climb in the last several years, thus creating the need for more quality Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs to be located in the area.

There are a variety of different reasons why people from Plant City may choose to turn to alcohol, including depression, low self esteem, peer pressure, physical or sexual abuse, and environmental or social factors. When an individual from Plant City, FL. drinks for any of these reasons, they are increasing the likelihood that they will struggle with an alcohol addiction and that they will need an Alcohol Addiction Rehab Center for an alcoholism problem in the future.

Receiving immediate help for an alcoholism problem is vital, as the individual from Plant City, FL. with an alcohol addiction can suffer from many negative effects while drinking, including serious automobile accidents and domestic problems; many health problems can accompany excessive drinking such as digestive problems, and heart damage and cirrhosis of the liver; many alcoholics have died as a direct result of this very fatal liver disease.

Getting professional alcohol addiction treatment is the only solution for an individual in Plant City, Florida that is being negatively affected by alcoholism. Once an individual from Plant City, Florida recognizes that they have an alcohol addiction problem, they should have a sense of urgency in regard to obtaining treatment.

The detoxification process is made necessary when the individual from Plant City, FL. has consumed alcohol on a regular basis for a period of time; when the alcohol abuser stops drinking, withdrawal symptoms result. This is usually the result of an individual from Plant City having an alcohol addiction over the span of many years. It is vital that an individual that is going through the detox process is overseen by the professional staff at a quality Plant City Alcoholism Treatment Facility, as they have been trained to be able to help alleviate many of the most uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

There are many different types of treatment for an individual in Plant City, Florida with an alcohol addiction, including long term inpatient rehab treatment, hospitalization alcohol detox, short term outpatient alcohol addiction rehab and recovery support groups. The main goal of any Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Program should be to help the individual from Plant City to get to a place where they can steadily maintain long term sobriety.

Our caring counselors are available to help individuals from Plant City, Florida to find an Alcohol Rehabilitation Center that you both need and deserve. Calling us right now could be the first step on the road to you or your loved one from Plant City, Florida finally being free of your alcohol addiction.

  • Contact Us
  • More than 90% of the alcohol consumed by people among the ages of 12 to 20 years of age in the United States is consumed in the form of binge drinks.
  • Evidence-based interventions to prevent binge drinking and related harms include: Increasing alcoholic beverage costs and excise taxes. Limiting the number of retail alcohol outlets that sell alcoholic beverages in a given area. Consistent enforcement of laws against underage drinking and alcohol-impaired driving. Screening and counseling for alcohol misuse.
  • 55% of female students and 75% of male students involved in acquaintance rape admit to having been drinking or using drugs when the incident occurred.
  • When you look at all the medical cases out there, alcohol is the most common toxic substance. It's very similar to a sedative, because it affects the central nervous system.
  • AA Meetings in Plant City, FL.
  • Aa Big Book Study
    St. Clement Catholic Church
    1104 N. Alexander St.
    Plant City, Florida 33563

    Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
    Sunday, 6:00 PM
  • Aa Meeting
    First Presbyterian Church
    404 W. Reynolds (next To City Hall)
    Plant City, Florida 33563

    Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
    Tuesday, 7:00 PM
    Friday, 6:00 PM
  • Helping Hands Group
    First Presbyterian Church
    404 W. Reynolds (next To City Hall)
    Plant City, Florida 33563

    Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
    Friday, 8:00 PM
  • Pass It On Group
    Lord Of Life Lutheran Church
    2104 Mud Lake Road
    Plant City, Florida 33566

    Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
    Monday, 7:30 PM
  • Plank Owners Group
    Lord Of Life Lutheran Church
    2104 Mud Lake Road
    Plant City, Florida 33566

    Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
    Thursday, 12:00 AM
  • Plank Owners Meeting
    Lord Of Life Lutheran Church
    2104 Mud Lake Road
    Plant City, Florida 33566

    Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
    Tuesday, 12:00 AM
  • Recovery Group
    Lord Of Life Lutheran Church
    2104 Mud Lake Road
    Plant City, Florida 33566

    Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
    Saturday, 6:45 PM
  • Recovery Group 2
    Lord Of Life Lutheran Church
    2104 Mud Lake Road
    Plant City, Florida 33566

    Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
    Saturday, 8:00 PM
  • Weed Patch Group
    South Florida Baptist Hospital
    301 N. Alexander
    Plant City, Florida 33563

    Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
    Sunday, 10:30 AM
  • West Side Winners Group
    First Presbyterian Church
    404 W. Reynolds (next To City Hall)
    Plant City, Florida 33563

    Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
    Wednesday, 8:00 PM
    Thursday, 8:00 PM
  • Womens Meeting
    First Presbyterian Church
    404 W. Reynolds (next To City Hall)
    Plant City, Florida 33563

    Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
    Tuesday, 7:00 PM
  • Plant City, FL. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings

  • St. Clements Catholic Ch Rm 3
    Hope Al-Anon
    1104 N. Alexander St
    Plant City, Florida

    Al-Anon Meeting Times
    Mon., 7:30 PM

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