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Alcohol addiction and alcoholism affect many people in Brooksville, FL. Alcohol use is something that is accepted in just about every part of the world, even though it is a drug. To drink in excess is also acceptable in society today. Unfortunately, 1 out of every 10 people who drink develops an addiction to alcohol. And this is where the problem comes in.

Alcohol addiction in Brooksville is very common and no one is immune to it. Addiction to alcohol may start because a person is having problems in their life and have a drink to get their mind off of it. Sooner or later the individual finds that they need to drink just to feel good or "normal". So as you can see it is a short trip from have a casual drink every now and then, to binge drinking or becoming completely dependent on alcohol.

Someone suffering from alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Brooksville, Florida will find that there are serious physical, emotional and social consequences to their addiction. If someone doesn't reach out and help them, or if they don't seek help on their own, their lives are at risk and they could lose everything they have.

Getting treatment in Brooksville for alcohol addiction and alcoholism helps an individual confront the psychological and emotional issues that are at the bottom of their addiction to alcohol. An effective Alcohol Addiction Rehab Center puts the individual back in control of his decision making so he can make positive choices that will put his life back on track. Upon completion of an Alcoholism Treatment Facility, the individual will have a better handle on life and be in control his future.

Individuals in Brooksville, FL. that have been addicted to alcohol and stop drinking suddenly will most likely go through withdrawals symptoms. An Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Program in Brooksville knows how to handle withdrawal and alcohol detoxification, so this can be a smooth process if the individual seeks treatment. The individual will be in good hands, with individuals who have handled even the toughest cases.

Many treatment options exist in Brooksville, Florida for individuals seeking help. There are Long-term Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Facilities, Outpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation Facilities, Short-term Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation Centers, Inpatient Alcohol Abuse Rehabs, support group meetings, alcoholism counseling, halfway houses and sober living.

Start the path to your new life today. Contact an Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Brooksville to find out which treatment options are best for you.

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  • The cerebellum is the part of your brain that is involved with coordinating movement. Alcohol consumption causes problems with coordination, reflexes, and balance. This occurs at a blood alcohol level of .15-.35%.
  • Alcohol dependence is the most severe alcohol disorder and is characterized by tolerance and withdrawal.
  • There are an estimated 18 million alcoholics in the United States alone.
  • Alcohol is a key component in 68% of manslaughters, 62% of assaults, 54% of murders and attempted murders, 48% of robberies, and 44% of burglaries.

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